Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Rumble and Tumble, the Wall of Water, Chernobyl and other stories

First of all, my dearest sympathies to all the victims of the horrible outburst of nature's fury in Japan. If you've seen footage of the destruction, you might think that Japan got utterly destroyed by this, but I guarantee that had that been any other country in the world, NOTHING would remain. Japan was so prepared for something like this, and even they could not hold up to a massive 8.9 earthquake. And then a tsunami. And then a close radioactive meltdown.

Look at the before/after photos, the scale of disaster is just amazing:

This video is really old, only 23 confirmed dead, I think we're up to 1000 now?


Really interesting post as to how the earthquake actually shifted the Earth on it's axis:

Anyway enough for that, I hope Japan will bounce back from that. Japanese people are very strong, they eat earthquakes for breakfast, and im sure they will manage this terrible disaster aswell. Japan, we pray for you.

End of term is approaching, deadlines coming in and lectures ending. I think im on track, almost finished my 2nd essay due in and I have a 3rd one to do after than, then im all free! ! till summer exams that is.

I was in London for the weekend, had an amazing time, stayed at a great hotel. Went to Ministry of Sound on Friday and then at Mo Vida on Saturday (which is the most retardedly expensive club I have ever been to). All in all had some good fun, trying to make up for the past few weeks of chilling and staying indoors.

Ministry of Sound
How good does that look? Yum yum

I also did my laundry last night, I always say that I won't put it off for too long or else I get too much stuff to wash, and I have nothing to wear till I was them. But that's what I did again, had to put 2 washing machines and was wearing my last boxer short before I managed to start the wash. Sigh. 

And unless you live under a rock, you have to have heard of Charlie Sheen's interview. If you have't, you definately have to watch it, I cannot even describe it. It's not a wonder that SO many videos have come up after it, as well as T-shirts and other pop culture items. Won't be long till you see references in WoW and other games.

I think that's all, I hope you all have an amazing week!

P.S: It's St Patrick's on Thursday, just another excuse to get drunk as hell!

I think they paint the river green in Chicago?




  1. Wow that's one heck of a post!
    That picture of the green river looks shopped, they really do that to the water?

  2. Praying everyday for all the people and their familys effected by this disaster.

    Rest of the post was entertaining though!

  3. yeah japan must be having a blast my asian friend was talking about some huge rave

  4. @Raw, yeah I think they do. At least that's what Wikipedia says.

    @Innovations, too soon man:p

  5. did you eat the whole paella yourself?

  6. IT shifted the world? must be godzilla

  7. I loved the green river. I actually go to school in Chicago so I went to see it this year. Never seen so many drunk people in the morning haha!
